Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rage, rage against the dying of light!

I hate it when legends fall short into humanity. I hate it when George Washingtons die of colds and Houdinis die from punches. What is more enticing than mediocrity and more persuasive than the American dream. You were a living, walking legend in my midst but in the end you too showed your humanity. Even you. From the first time I saw her I knew she would be my downfall and so I tried to pull an Oedipus and avoid that downfall like the plague. And though I came close to falling at times I ultimately escaped from the destruction I had just recently been freed from and was still healing from. But I never thought you would. You of all people. I felt at peace when she was around you because I knew you were resolute to your passions and may as well have been part of the scenery. Of all people why you, who knows it won't work out and says so frequently. You who could, if you had wanted, picked whatever happened to please your eye and yet you pursued something so obvious, so immature, so easy. And so it came to pass that what I foresaw has become reality, but I never thought it would have come about through you. Not like this. I guess it's hard to find true legends these days. Who of us can actually maintain and abstain for a lifetime to be a true history-maker, world-changer, core-rocker? Not even you. Me? We'll see. O you what you could have done and been and become! Yet you so quickly were enticed by the sirens of mediocrity. For what? To appease the immediate satisfaction of your humanity? I get chills thinking of what your fate could have been. And now I feel like crying when I think of what may have been jeopardized. Have you so easily become predictable? Someone as mysterious and potential as yourself who claims to cringe at the thought of conformity has been overcome so easily, so quickly, so predictably, so humanly, so readily in a way so many have been overcome before in the past. And not even to the best of what you could have been overcome with. That which you once raged against now have you given into. Is life so long that it is worth pursuing humanity at the expense of humanity's salvation. To which you were called when you were first saved, when it was just you and God. And so I guess you were really human in the end, after all. Though you may have not been. Do not go gently into that good night! Rage! Rage against the dying of light!
Have you forgotten your passion!? Have you forgotten your calling!? Have you forgotten your future!? Have you forgotten your fate!? O when I think of all the forces I thought it would take to overcome you, and yet this is your fate: in such a regular, ordinary, common, childish way the legend has been reduced to a man. Fight the American dream! Kill the American dream! In this is our resolution! That one day men would not aspire to give into themselves but give into God.
Don't you remember what ecstasy tastes like? Have you so quickly forgotten euphoria?!
What is ecstasy? What is bliss? What is absolute contentment and peace and joy? Fulfilled Destiny. Completed Fate. Quite will feel the way you want to feel when you are in the center of God's will. Who can honestly attain this ecstasy? What would you have to give up to get there? EVERYTHING.
God is not done with you yet. Such a passion and legendary potential does not so quickly fade from this earth and God does not let go of a soul who once made a commitment of surrender to Him. I know that you will get back to where you need to be...but I fear the calamity it will take to bring you back to that place and the ruins you may leave behind for me and others. And yet while I grieve for God's intentions left unfulfilled you inspire me all the more to not become what I never thought you would have, but have. God's will be done! Please!