Monday, January 02, 2006

Is it just Me?

It seems to me that God has given/blessed me with a greater consciousness or self- consciousness than most people have or have been given. Is it just me, or do other people have the same awareness that I have. If our minds are on the same level and intake the same way, do they merely think nothing of it, or simply don't let it consume them as it does me? Do they resist or ignore it? Does everyone receive the same feelings about certain places or times or ...things...Does someone else get the same feeling inside when they think of the deep, dense forest as I do when I think about it? Do they feel something else? I feel a kind of unexplainable feeling of being surrounded by a great atmosphere closing in on my like high humidity, yet peaceful and calm, with no movement, nothing stirred by the wind, seldom is there a noise, if there is a noise it is the sounds of an animal stirring or a bird singing. It's comfortable and safe as if no one will ever find you there and thus you can't be harmed, you are safe from the harm and scrutiny of the world.The forest that I love and long for is like a house and a home. The mossy, dirty, or preferably pineneedly/mulchy ground is the carpet with trees and plants as decorations and furniture. The leaves of the trees high up join together from one tree to the other combining into a single covering of the forest- a ceiling. It is peaceful. Calm. Safe. It smells nice. It smells of the earth; of nature, plants, growth, there must be more oxygen there than in other less leafy parts of the earth. O how the air is pure, almost tasty- like a fresh Johnny cake.Though rain seldom penetrates the roof of the forest, when it does it brings with it a pure, cleansing, and afterwards leaves behind a smell of cleanliness and sweet leafy green growth.You can't see the sky when you look up because the green ceiling blocks your view. The light on the other side of the leafy curtain brighten up the leaves making them a radiant neon green. The ground is dark or light brown with moss and rocks here and there. Trees sprout up from the soft, brown, earthy turf to make great dark brown trees. The furniture is a dark or bright green shade of all kinds of different specimens of plants arranged almost as on display, like your house is a museum.It is calm and quiet. Nothing stirs. The breeze does not penetrate through the faraway doors of the forest. As it enters, it gets lost among the many turns and obstacles.You can hear anything move for miles around. A leaf breaks off of a branch and floats down with a hushed crash every once in a while.It's like being in the middle of a light, early morning snow. You look around and see amidst and past the falling flakes a light grayish pink glow in the atmosphere and in the air. It's so quiet, and soft. The myriad puffs drown out the sound and force of the breeze. There is a small tingling sound in your ear as the angeldrops are plucked off their branches in Heaven and nonchalantly pass by your ear to softly meet the ground.Do others see that? Does everyone have different feelings that come back to them with memories when they think of certain places, times, people or things? Is there anyone out there who feels the same things? A few out there? Everyone?- just some are careless toward it more than others?Has God given me something special? It appears that I have been blessed extremely so in many areas, and it is apparent that I am highly favored by my Father and Creator. He blesses me in all areas and goes out of His way to help me and answer me even when I deserve the punishments for procrastination and apathy.When certain memories come back to me, they are so powerful in my mind that they consume me and I can just sit back and bask in their almost Holy presence. When I pray to God I feel like I am actually talking directly to Him and feel the communion you feel when you are talking to someone face to face and they are in front of you listening directly to you. Is that the same for others? Do they commune directly with Him or do they merely recite words and concerns to a being existing somewhere above or present among them? Do they throw out words/prayers to a name that they do not personally know without taking the time, as I do, to focus on God and search for Him until they visualize Him and have a true conversation with Him. Are they capable of that?It's happened before that I'll stumble upon a memory while my mind is roaming that appeals to me. My mind will absorb that memory and suck as much recollection and feeling out of it as it can possibly do. It happens in instances such as that, that I FEEL the memory- don't just remember it. Not necessarily a feeling that I had at the time, although many times that is the case. Many times its a combination of feelings that have come to me in the instance itself or common instances later on. When I get INTO these feelings I can feel something about them. It's not just a recollection of memory, it's a feeling. Undescribable really. Each fond memory has a different "feeling". It's like flavors; each different memory has a different flavor. All are undescribable. At one time a few years ago when I was about 15 or so I wrote down all of my fondest memories and all the details of pertaining to each. My fondest memories.Several times in the past when my mind starts absorbing one of my fondest memories and I feel the "feeling" or "flavor" in my mind and body, it consumes my mind and is so overwhelming that it makes me dizzy and on the verge of unconsciousness. Is it just me? Is it a gift? Hallelujah! I praise God for this blessing. O how wonderful it is to have these strong feelings that come with my fondest memories. They are such a blessing and bring me such joy and peace inside, and bring me closer to God. Is it just me?